The answer to last week's question was September 18,2012. A tribute/rememberance album was decieded to be made because of the 25th anniversary of the second best selling album of all time, BAD by Michael Jackson. The album includes the orignal sided part of Michael Jackson's BAD album. The bonus limited edition includes 8-10 songs of bonus material. All recorded but never released or put onto the album. Three of the songs, Fly Away, Streetwalker and Todo Mi Amor Eres Tu(I just can't stop loving you spanish vers.), were on the bonus edition of BAD that was released when the album was released back in 1987. Three other songs, the two remixes for BAD and the remix for Leave me Alone, were radio edited remixes of the songs. Were also added. Other songs were recorded but not added and were added to this. Another thing added to the special edition of BAD, is a concert edition of Michael Jackson's BAD tour. This performance features Michael at Wembley Staduim performing his biggest hits, Another Part of Me and Billie Jean. Nex

The answer to last week's question was that Michael thought the album sounded bad when the album was replayed right before release and wanted to start it over. It is rumoured that the when this was at that the album was named Starlight.

When/ Where did Michael decide that he wanted to go solo with his carrer? In 1984, the last show of the Victory Tour where he announced he was going solo. The fans were suprised, but obviously we supported his decison. Michael later stated in an interview that he had creative ideas and wanted to go through with those ideas. So he decided to go solo. Also if you read Jermaine Jackson's book, Through a Brother's eyes, Jermaine talked about the process where Michael's creative ideas and his religion interfered with each other. This is the reason why Michael decided to become a Christan and leave his family religion of a Jehovah Witness. Next week's question will be revealed next week.

Michael was thrity five when he celebrated Christmas for the for the first time. He had decided to pursue a more memorable solo music carrer and the beliefs of a Jehovah Witness were holding him back. So he dismissed around the late 80s'. He didn't celebrate until the christmas of 1993 when Liz Taylor suprised him with a chirstmas Neverland. He showed his first christmas morning on the show Michael Jackson's Private Home movies,aired in 2002, and he talked about his feelings on celebrating the holiday. He told he cried after the christmas celebration because he felt he was doing wrong. He had been raise as a Jehovah's Witness and was upset even though he was dismissed as a Jehovah's Witness. Next week's question will be revealed. Happy New Years!

The little Jackson disaggreement caused a bit of trouble and it was best adviced by the family that the children go stay with TJ Jackson, Tito Jackson's sons. The family had been having arguments on Michael's will. Some family members thought that it was a fake, made by some of the people Michael trusted, but eventually turned him down. Some family members thought it was real and were going to go by what it said. Some weren't going to. The will had all the information about where Michael's money and his children  and other belongings of his would go. Fans watched this day after day watching the update about what was going to happnen. Lots of fans just thought that the family members that though it was a fake were just jealous that Michael hadn't given them anything of his. Well, Paris Jackson, Michael's daughter, had been tweeting a lot of private family conversations and stating her opinion on a lot of the information going on. Some family members felt violated, so they tried to stop her and she refused. So to keep the children out of the limelight, and AGAINST what the real/fake will of Michael's, the children were handed to TJ Jackson and he became a temporary caregiver. As of right now, no updates have been reported whether the children are going to be given back to Katherine, their caregiver as of Michael's will, or if they are going to OFFICALLY be with TJ Jackson. This week's question is soon to be revealed. Merry Michael Christmas.

Yes, Michael Jackson can swim. Once, Michael was pushed into the pull,dumbly, by Maculay Culkin, a childhood friend of Michael's, and he was seen swimming. So yes, that is just a little unknown fact. Next week's question will be revealed. I'm sorry I haven't been updating the blog. Christmas shopping!

Can Michael swim?


  What was Michael's favorite coommerical? The answer was the Green Giant commerical. That commerical where they go "Ho Ho Green Giant" Next week's question will be revealed next week.

Why wasn't Debbie Rowe, Michael's ex-wife, invited to his furneal? The answer is because she and Michael's parents where fighting about custody of Michael's children at the time. Katherine evertually ended up with custody of Michael's children. In mid 2012, the Jackson kids where temporaily taken out of Katherine's hands because of a disaggrement mainly focusing on Janet and Katherine about Paris constant tweeting about the family. Some of the brothers and sisters thought that is was a bad idea that she was tweeting family business out into the world. So poor kids.

What was Michael Jackson's favorite country? The answer was South Africa. Michael went to South Africa around the mid 90s' and met the newly president Nelson Mandela, who had recently became president after their version of segragation ended. The answer to this week's question will be revealed next week. Go Black Friday shopping! It wasn't chaos!(not)

    My name is Jayla and I live in Michigan,USA. Michael has been a big inspiration throughout my life and I am proud to have wittnessed his genius creation. I wanted to share my love and knowledge and love to the world and other MJ fans ,so I created the Michael Jackson Forever Fansite. Michael may be gone but not forgotten he will forever live in our hearts and I will love him forever. I will once see him again. Love you Michael. 
